Kate Moss-н хөх


Цагтаа од байсан Английн загвар өмсөгч Kate Moss-г далайд амарч байхад нь папараццичид түүний цээж нүцгэн зургыг нь авсан байна…











  1. lol says:

    1. put your finger on your nose
    2. hold your breath for 5 seconds
    3. say the name of your love
    4. that person will ask you out on the next Friday
    5. you will have the best day tomorrow
    6. if you don’t copy and paste to 2 other videos you will have bad luck and die in

  2. tuuuuuuuuuuuuul says:

    1. put your finger on your nose
    2. hold your breath for 5 seconds
    3. say the name of your love
    4. that person will ask you out on the next Friday
    5. you will have the best day tomorrow
    6. if you don’t copy and paste to 2 other videos you will have bad luck and die in

  3. tuuuuuuuuuuuuul says:

    1. put your finger on your nose
    2. hold your breath for 5 seconds
    3. say the name of your love
    4. that person will ask you out on the next Friday
    5. you will have the best day tomorrow

  4. honko says:

    1. put your finger on your nose
    2. hold your breath for 5 seconds
    3. say the name of your love
    4. that person will ask you out on the next Friday
    5. you will have the best day tomorrow
    6. if you don’t copy and paste to 2 other videos you will have bad luck and die in

  5. Не всем дано добиться положительного результата, надо еще что бы руки росли из нужного места…

  6. niki says:

    1. put your finger on your nose
    2. hold your breath for 5 seconds
    3. say the name of your love
    4. that person will ask you out on the next Friday
    5. you will have the best day tomorrow
    6. if you don’t copy and paste to 2 other videos you will have bad luck and die in

  7. ts says:

    yahav dee origooroo huuhen l baina

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